Honeydew Bridge

Cross that Bridge! New Classes for October!

If you have been looking for a boost to your writing journey this fall, check out the classes I'm offering at The Muse Writers Center in Ghent, VA. Since the early 2000's this nonprofit writing center near Norfolk, Virginia, has grown into one of the top-10 writers centers nationally. They offer tuition assistance and serve youth, adults, senior centers, veterans, and service personnel. The motto, "Write Where You Are" encourages me. The small class size and affordable tuition attract me as an instructor. Find more at The Muse Writers Center / About Us.

Review and enroll in my classes:

Writer’s Professional Development at The Muse Writers Center

Mission Statement for Writers

“To refresh the world and make a difference.” - Coca-Cola’s Mission. Take a clue from successful businesses. Discover your driving force as a writer and create a plan with concrete steps to achievement. What do you write? Who do you write for? Why do you write it? Using creative exercises, visualizations, and open-ended questions focus your writer’s life. Uncover your guiding light. Stay inspired and focused. Explore creating a personal mission statement, goals, and objective steps with an experienced leader and educator.

@Zoom (Limit 8 students) $49

Sunday, October 20 @ 1:00 pm EDT - 3:30 pm EDT @ The Muse Writers Center


Writer’s Professional Development at The Muse Writers Center

Crafting Plot and Story: Can Technology Help?

Are you a follow-the-flow writer or a plan-it-all-out writer? Or something in between? Even those who do not plot initially revise and craft their work to hook the reader. Using a standard mystery plot and Scrivener, a software writing technology, explore the difference between plot and story. Can technology help? In this class, we examine classical theory and elements of the plot; use a specific plot example, a simple mystery; and apply the popular software, Scrivener. We begin with literary theory then we explore pitfalls and possibilities of support in using software to write. 

 @Zoom (Limit 8 students) $49

Sunday, October 13 @ 1:00 pm EDT - 3:30 pm EDT @ The Muse Writers Center

Please also take a look at my One on One offerings and contact me at nhwilliard@nhwilliard.com.

Writing Coach (Hybrid*) Achieve your goals with tools, support, and accountability. Rates and Process variable with goals.

The Month of Generative Writing (Hybrid*) $400

Just beginning? Stuck in your process. Try this power boost to your inspiration. Four prompts each week, readings, one weekly meeting with the instructor with a review of the process and outcomes. The final goal - edited piece with suggestions for publication. Fiction or Nonfiction.

Developmental Editing Short Stories (Contact for Rates)

Get traction in your work. Explore your story's potential and dive deeper into your characters. Learn methods to enhance your work by examining the basics - setting, plot, description, syntax, and other tools.

Rates vary with length and response. Contact to discuss @ nhwilliard@nhwilliard.com

Happy writing!


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