Elizabeth Green in the NYT Magazine of March 10th comments on how to build a better teacher. With the headlines screaming a new age of "carrots" from the revision of the NCLB legislation by Team Obama, how does this fit in? Uncommon Schools' Doug Lemov has an answer - or rather 49 of them in his Taxonomy being published in April, Teach Like a Champion. I counted 9 examples out of 49 in the article and on the website:
1. Strong Voice
2. Cold Call
3. Precise Praise
4. Positive Framing
5. Build Momentum
6. Warm Strict
7. The J-Factor (Joy)
8. Assume the Best
9. No Opt Out
I was chilled to know that Build Momentum has a subcategory called Narrate the Positive. How many of these could there be? So I challenge you, readers, can you come up with 40 more? I'll check when the book arrives. First person to win gets my copy when I'm finished reading it and laughing.