Located at Ghent, Norfolk, VA 23517 The Muse Writers Center is a literary center, and since the early 2000s, they have grown into one of the top-10 writers centers nationally, with a vibrant space in central Ghent featuring five classrooms, a semi-private writers room, a recording studio, a library, and an auditorium for readings and special literary events as well as art exhibits. 

This year I am Happy to offer online classes through their site at The Muse.

Unlike a college or university, The Muse offers creative writing classes and seminars for beginning, experienced, and professional writers. This year, they are on pace to host 1,500 students in 300 classes for adults, pre-teens, and teen writers.

But let them tell you:

"Because we believe in the transformative power of the literary arts, our aim is to embrace both established and emerging writers as well as those who want to write but haven’t had the opportunity to be guided by great teachers. We would love you to join us.

The Literary Arts for Everyone
We are the only center in the nation to offer tuition assistance to anyone who wants to take a class but cannot afford one. About 17% of our students are on tuition assistance (last year, we gave more than $28,000), and we also award three $500 college scholarships each year.

This year, we will host more than 400 literary events and readings, which will attract more than 10,000 people. We host events each week, and you are welcome anytime.

Our outreach is always expanding, making sure the literary arts are accessible to everyone, truly living by our motto: Write Where You Are. We have several monthly programs in senior and assisted living centers as well as for veterans, service members, and their families, both at The Muse and in military libraries and bases. Our small staff relies on hundreds of interns, facilitators, and hosts; our volunteers are key to our engagement with the community.

A Strong Program for Youth
Our program for youth is growing every year, with classes, camps, readings, and special events for writers ages 6-17 as well as monthly outreach to schools and with youth organizations. 2019 saw the inaugural year of our Teen Writers Fellowship, where eight high school sophomores and juniors from every corner of Hampton Roads attended 20 creative writing classes, worked one-on-one with published mentors, held four readings, and attended the Hampton Roads Writers Conference to attend workshops and pitch to agents."

Join me for:

Southern Noir to Grit Lit, The MIssion Statement for Writers, and Crafting Plot and Story: Can Tech Help?

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