So many of us will head for the beach soon to escape the “humuggity” of July and August. Maybe you’ve seen The 14 Beaches You Must Visit in Southern Living or you have your favorite. 

Did you know that July 1- 7 is Clean Beaches Week? July 4th is the most littered day at the beach? You can help by remembering to “leave no trace” or participate in a beach cleanup. Cigarette butts, plastic bottles, and food wrappers are the top three items collected. Microplastics are a serious problem for everyone. Ocean Conservancy has help and information. This video from the University of Florida suggests supporting Clean Beach Week by no littering, eating sustainable seafood, and being aware of reducing your carbon footprint, and water usage.

Our local NC beaches are also endangered. Wilkinson in The Washington Post (May 8, 2022) lists North Carolina as one of three states most vulnerable to rising seas and super storms due to climate change. “According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, sea-level rise will create ‘a profound shift in coastal flooding over the next 30 years by causing tide and storm surge heights to increase and reach further inland.’” (Wilkinson) Beach replenishment is expensive and futile faced with this prediction. As good stewards of our earth, please support policies and organizations, like Ocean Conservancy that consider this information.


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