Have you visited Farmville? Adopted a Virtual Family, been to the world of the SIMs or been the god of a bunch of virtual villagers? Two things lead me into this strange new way to live - studying how to teach online and boredom. Unable to fall asleep and not the biggest fan of late night TV, I tried the virtual family game that came free with my computer. Afterwards I found I just couldn't leave it alone! How is the little family doing? Do they have enough food? Are they tired? Did they ever pick up those wretched leaves? And deeper stuff because you can praise and punish your little people. Ah, yes. The game does warn you if you punish your little people too much they get depressed. So I switched to virtual villagers who just had to find food and shelter. But they needed to have children and as much as I bumped the guys and girls together it just didn't take. "Not this time." or "I don't feel well enough." Jez, I can't even get lucky in a virtual world! So I decided Farmville was my ticket. Just growing crops and caring for little virtual animals. Now I have whithered crops and hungry chickens if I don't play the game several times a day. Farmers are busy people.
Now my class for online teaching has introduced me to Second Life as an educational tool.
After a little research on Wikipedia, I learn that "in world" people date, have businesses, play music, create art as well as attend classes at well known universities. Real people are living their lives using real money online. Of course with a user driven culture, Linden Labs, the creators, have to set some limits - sexual play, for example. Linden also handles the business end of things and has links to some powerful Real Life businesses like IBM. I didn't see any death but there are taxes.
Although the lure of becoming a purple flying cat woman with a real tail is tempting, I think I've had enough. After I left the computer to join my husband in front of the TV last night I announced, "I've been playing Farmville!" "I know you have, " he replied with a pout. I guess I better pay attention to First Life a little more and let that virtual chicken wait.